

Korea Association of General Education

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The president's greeting

Greetings! I am In Mo Jung, assuming the role of the 12th president of the Korean Association for General Education in 2024.

The importance of general education in university education is increasing day by day. In the current era, as new students enter universities during the transition to the undergraduate university system, general education at universities is becoming even more crucial as an educational process for equipping them with the necessary skills. In the current era, colloquially referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the role of university general education extends to the critical task of instilling essential values that humanity must embrace in the future. General education is expected to spearhead the generation of new knowledge, underscore foundational academic disciplines encompassing humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and the arts, and steadfastly adhere to its mission by fortifying integrative, creative thinking, and communication competencies.

We express our sincere gratitude to our predecessors who wholeheartedly devoted themselves to advancing general education in South Korea, and to all our esteemed members who ardently engaged in multifaceted activities. Although an inexperienced person has taken on the role of the president of the Korean Association for General Education, I believe that with the active participation and cooperation of our members, our association can continue to move forward in the right direction without wavering. We will strive to elevate the quality of general education through various academic events and the publication of academic journals, fostering greater activation of general education in universities, solidifying its status. We wish everyone in the association good health and success in their academic pursuits.

Thank you.

January 2024
In Mo Jung,
12th President of the Korean Association for General Education

Introduction to the Society

The knowledge convergence society of the twenty-first century demands people of qualities such as creative problem-solving skills as global leaders, communication skills, character and qualification as global citizens. Hence, universities ought to put together fragmented knowledge in order to solve problems that consistently arise in life as well as the pursuit of academic research while cultivating intellectuals who possess a holistic and insightful perspective, meeting the needs of the times.

The Korean Association of General Education is a genuine educational, academic organization established on October 10, 2006 for the purpose of developing and disseminating general and basic education through the organization's contribution to realize research and its outcomes related to the field. General and basic education in universities aims to help individuals attain character as a mature human being and fulfill their abilities and responsibilities as global citizens, and to cultivate global leaders with creativity, discernment, leadership, and morality.

The Korean Association of General Education shares research results and proposes visions so that universities may fulfill their duties in general education. We attend to our members’ advice and proposals, and go the extra mile to provide solid basis for educators and researchers who are interested in general and basic education to actively take part in the association.

Members of the association are either engaged in general and basic university education or involved in the academic, educational field, and consists of researchers and faculty members of basic education institutions, undergraduate colleges, universities or colleges of general education, and organizations related to the field. The association's objective of establishment is being realized through the sharing of academic research, and as of May 2020, the number of members has reached an estimate of 1,500, including that of the institutional members.

The Korean Association of General Education has made effort in the following ways to realize its goal of communication and expertise. Advisory members have been employed to secure a future-oriented management of the association and for the communication between academic generations; the chief executives board has been strengthened in order to secure efficiency and professionalism in managing the association; and the independence of the editorial board and research ethics committee has been maintained.

Since the 2006 spring symposium, the association has hosted domestic (and international) symposiums twice every year as its major activity. First published in June 2007, the scholarly journal Koreanesearch on General Education was recognized of its originality and pioneering content in general education research, nominated for registration on the Korea Citation Index (KCI) in 2011, and officially registered on it in 2016.

The Korean Association of General Education places great importance on the realization of a talent fostering model rooted in communication and harmony, future-orientation, and internationalization. Hence, the association will constantly cooperate with the Council for General University Education, Korea National Institute for General Education, and other organizations related to the field, and spare no effort in sharing results based on research related to general and basic education.

Introduction of Executive

The 12th Executive Team of The Korean Association of General Education

President Jeong, Inmo (Pusan National University) jim@pusan.ac.kr
Department Name of Position Affiliation and Contact Details
Academic Affairs Committee Vice President Kim, Kyounga (Sookmyung Women's University) kakim@sookmyung.ac.kr
Kim, Hyeyoung (Korea National Sport University) hykim@knsu.ac.kr
Choi, Yejung (Hoseo University) yjchoi@hoseo.edu
Kwon, Junwon (Dong-ah Institute of Media and Arts) kwon1020@dima.ac.kr
Commissioner Kang, Sungbae (Dongguk University sbkang@dongguk.ac.kr
Kim, Minsu (Dong Seoul University) mskim@du.ac.kr
Park, Kihong (Chungbuk National University) khpark@chungbuk.ac.kr
Lee, Eunhye (Kyung Hee University) grace-01@khu.ac.kr
Jeon, Jonghee (Gangneung–Wonju National University) jeon2080@hanmail.net
Cho, Moonki (Soongsil University) poletopole@ssu.ac.kr
Choi, Sungho (Kyonggi University) finechoi@kyonggi.ac.kr
Choi, Hyuncheol (Chung-Ang University) choihc71@cau.ac.kr
Han, Keumyoun (Sahmyook University) waterflow68@syu.ac.kr
Academic Promotion Committee Vice President Yoon, Haegyung (Dong-eui University) hgyoon@deu.ac.kr
Cho, Hyekyung (Daegu University) apriori30@daegu.ac.kr
Choi, Seonkyung (The Catholic University) seonkyung@catholic.ac.kr
Commissioner Kim, Gibong (Kyonggi University) nowtime21@kyonggi.ac.kr
Kim, Sunghee (Dong-eui University) sh.kim@deu.ac.kr
Kim, Yongha (Dong-eui University) yonghablue@naver.com
Kim, Inyung (Uiduk University) iykim@uu.ac.kr
Park, Byongchul (Busan ​​University of Foreign Studies) bcpark@bufs.ac.kr
Park, Juyeon (Duksung Women's University) juyeonpark@duksung.ac.kr
Shin, Jongho (Ajou University) jayshin@ajou.ac.kr
Jung, Wonsup (Kyungnam University) wonsupj@kyungnam.ac.kr
International Cooperation Committee Vice President Kim, Kyounghee (Sunchon National University) khkim@scnu.ac.kr
Commissioner Park, Hyejung (Yonsei University) heyjourneypark@gmail.com
Shin, Euisun (The Catholic University) gooddone@naver.com
Assistant Baek, Hyunmi (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) baekhm@hufs.ac.kr
General Affairs Department Director of General Affairs Park, Junbeom (Kyungnam University) koreantea@hanmail.net
Assistant of General Affairs Kim, Jeewung (Daegu Catholic University) Jsm20213@gmail.com
Director of Finance Lim, Jiwon (Woosong university) ji10321@naver.com
Assistant of Finance Lee, Kyuil (Chonnam National University) yahoo@naver.com
Auditing Department Audit Song, Hasuk (Ajou University) hasong@ajou.ac.kr
Park, Sungmi (Dongseo University ) psm1994@dongseo.ac.kr
Editorial Committee Chairperson Han, Sooyoung (Chung-Ang University) hangang331@cau.ac.kr
Vice Chairperson Ryu, Chanyoul (Chung-Ang University) lcyjina@daum.net
Seo, Jeonghyok (Sookmyung Women's University) seocrates@sookmyung.ac.kr
Lee, Jiyong (Gyeongsang National University) logos@gnu.ac.kr
Hong, Seongyoun (Ajou University) hsy06@ajou.ac.kr
Commissioner Ko, Chulki (Yonsei University) kochulki@yonsei.ac.kr
Kim, Wanseop (Soongsil University) wskim92@ssu.ac.kr
Kim, Heasuk (Seoul Women's University) shskim@swu.ac.kr
Park, Jubyung (Kangwon National University) theogeo@kangwon.ac.kr
Bae, Sungah (Hoseo University) sungabae@gmail.com
Byoun, Suyoun (Busan ​​University of Foreign Studies) sybyoun@bufs.ac.kr
Son, Minjung (Korea National University of Education) mjson@knue.ac.kr
Sohn, Eisung (Yonsei University) esohn@yonsei.ac.kr
Shin, Younghun (Hansung University) yhshin@hansung.ac.kr
Ahn, Miyoung (Konkuk University) miyoungahn@daum.net
Ahn, Jiyoun (Ajou University) ahnjiyoun@ajou.ac.kr
Ahn, Hyeonhyo (Daegu University) harryahn65@gmail.com
Yoon, Juhan (Daegu University) aesthetics@daegu.ac.kr
Lee, Kyeonghi (Ewha Womans University) leekh@ewha.ac.kr
Lee, Yunbin (Duksung Women's University) adsumn@naver.com
Lee, Jung (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) jung.lee@hufs.ac.kr
Lee, Hyunok (Kangwon National University) holee@kangwon.ac.kr
Jung, Byungkee (Yeungnam University) byungkee@ynu.ac.kr
Cho, Eunhee (Chosun University) ehcho@chosun.ac.kr
Choi, Yoonkyung (Chung-Ang University) ruederome@cau.ac.kr
Hong, Insook (Hongik University) hongis0206@hongik.ac.kr
Hong, Sujin (Woosuk University) anne722@woosuk.ac.kr
Assistant Ahn, Yerim (Chung-Ang University) ahnyrim@gmail.com
Assistant(Eninglish Editing) Brian Calanchie (Pai Chai University) bpcalanchie@gmail.com
Ethics Committee Chairperson Yoon, Seungjoon (Dankook University) yoonsj@dankook.ac.kr
Commissioner Kim, Kyong (Pusan National University) kimlex@pnu.ac.kr
Kim, Dongmin (Sungkyunkwan University) dminkim@skku.edu
Nah, Jeongeun (Yonsei University) jenah@yonsei.ac.kr
Park, Sunyoung (Seoul Theological University) moolsori34@hanmail.net
Park, Hyunhee (Seoul National University) dagamo2@snu.ac.kr
Bang, Dami (The Catholic University) bangdami@catholic.ac.kr
Rheey, Sanghun (Sogang University) shrheey@naver.com
Hwang, Eunkyung (Ajou University) seed25@ajou.ac.kr
Election Commission Committee Commissioner Kim, Nammee (Hongik University) leedaul@hongik.ac.kr
Um, Sungwon (Cha University) edumail@hanmail.net
Nam, Jinsook (Dongguk University) jindog1@hanmail.net
Publicity Committee Chairperson Lee, Hyosook (Konkuk University) qhaso75@kku.ac.kr
Commissioner Kwon, Youngae (Konkuk University) herayaa@kku.ac.kr
Kim, Sunyoung (Kyungnam University) sunyoungkim0707@gmail.com
Park, Hyejin (Konkuk University) phj4858@kku.ac.kr
Lee, Pyeongjeon (Seowon Univeristy) pyeoung2@hanmail.net
External Cooperation Department Executive Director Cha, Bongjun (Soongsil University) ssudcbj@ssu.ac.kr
Regional Directors Seoul Gu, Jahwang (Sookmyung Women's University) pakua@sookmyung.ac.kr
Kim, Jiyoung (Sogang University) jy9855@gmail.com
Noh, Yoosun (Seoul National University) ysnoh@snu.ac.kr
Gyeonggi Lee, Juntae (Kyung Hee University) jtlee@khu.ac.kr
Lee, Jiesung (Luther University) leejs@ltu.ac.kr
Cho, Kyoungduk (Pyeongtaek University) oldjacob@ptu.ac.kr
Gangwon Yi, Youngae (Halla University) youngaeyi@halla.ac.kr
Yeo, Eunjung (Gangneung–Wonju National University) yeojung@gwnu.ac.kr
Chungcheong Shim, Hyeryeong (Pai Chai University) shimhr@pcu.ac.kr
Yu, Ri (Kongju National University) yuri2020@kongju.ac.kr
Yeongnam Kim, Hyeyoon (Changshin University) hykim@cs.ac.kr
Nho, Eunju (Kyungwoon University) nonolita@ikw.ac.kr
Lee, Jeongki (Kosin University) ljkmos@hanmail.net
Honam Kim, Hyeonjeong (Chonnam National University) hjkim@scnu.ac.kr
Park, Jiyoon (Woosuk University) expert@ewhain.net
Jeju Lee, Myunggon (Jeju National University) boscolee@jejunu.ac.kr